电影 四五口径女郎

四五口径女郎 HD中字10.0
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  • 四五口径女郎

  • 片名:四五口径女郎
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:乔·路德/Albert/Sinkys/Darlene/Stuto/
  • 导演:阿贝尔·费拉拉/
  • 年份:1981
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:伦理/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-05-14 09:35
  • 简介:Walking home from work one night, Thana, a mute seamstress in New York City's Garment District, is raped at gunpoint in an alley by a mysterious, masked attacker. She survives and makes her way back to her apartment, where she encounters a burglar and is raped a second time. Thana bludgeons this second assailant to death with an iron. She then keeps his .45 caliber M1911A1 pistol, dismembers the burglar's body, puts the pieces into plastic garbage bags and gradually disposes of them in various locations throughout the city. She begins to have frequent nightmares and hallucinations of the first assailant stalking her, and her mental stability begins to dim. Thana is noticed by a man while she is disposing of one of the bagged body parts; retrieving the bag, he chases and frightens her. Fearing another sexual assault, she fatally shoots him. This event furthers her impulse for vengeance. Gradually, Thana transforms her appearance to bee a more and more seductive bait, and sets out to kill any man who annoys her. Near the end of the film, she dons a nun's habit and red lipstick to attend a Halloween party with her boss and co-workers. Her boss tries to take advantage of her and is killed; Thana then begins a shooting spree and targets all the men present. Finally she is stabbed by a female colleague.
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  • 已完结
  • 全99集
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    4.0 汤姆·阿诺德/Xander/Bailey/萨迪·迪亚洛/Josh/Duhon/Elizabeth/Harding/Maureen/Kedes/尤金娜·库日敏娜/Lisa/Lee/杰克·皮尔森/布伦丹·佩特里佐/Rasko/Relic/Iris/Svis/Anna/Telfer/科宾·蒂布鲁克/Lindsey/Marie/Wilson/
  • 正片
    8.0 拉米·马雷克/DJ·考尔斯/凯特·林恩·希尔/林·沙烨/
  • 正片
    10.0 莫熙儿/姜潮/田晓天/蓝心妍/安胜浩/
  • 正片
    5.0 欧列格·缅希科夫/尼基塔·米哈尔科夫/茵格保加·达坤耐特/娜杰日达·米哈尔科娃/维亚切斯拉夫·吉洪诺夫/斯韦特兰娜·克留奇科娃/弗拉基米尔·伊林/阿拉·A·卡赞斯卡亚/尼娜·阿尔希波娃/阿宛盖·里昂惕夫/安德列·奥曼斯基/茵娜·乌里扬诺娃/
  • 正片
    8.0 兰斯·亨利克森/Lance/Henrikson/Tatum/Matthews/Sinda/Nichols/Franklin/Ritch/
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    5.0 希米什·帕特尔/莉莉·詹姆斯/艾德·希兰/凯特·麦克金农/罗伯特·卡莱尔/阿历克斯·阿诺/乔尔·弗莱/詹姆斯·柯登/卡米利·陈/拉蒙尼·莫里斯/索菲娅·迪·马蒂诺/卡米拉·拉瑟福德/艾利斯·查普尔/莎拉·兰卡夏尔/多米尼克·科尔曼/玛丽安娜·斯皮瓦克/詹妮弗·阿尔莫/安娜·德·阿玛斯/希滕·珀泰尔/阿图尔·夏尔马/马诺伊·阿南德/哈里·米歇尔/珊妮·姚/乔希·特雷特/西蒙·P·爱德华兹/
  • 正片
    10.0 刘德华/钟楚红/庹宗华/孙鹏/石田纯一/岸田今日子/
  • 正片
    1.0 Sean/Patrick/Flanery/Kristanna/Loken/Kona/Carmack/
  • 正片
    9.0 张曼玉/王祖贤/赵文卓/吴兴国/马精武/田丰/刘洵/


  • HD
    4.0 丹尼尔·奥特伊/莫妮卡·贝鲁奇/米歇尔·布朗/雅克·迪特隆/埃里克·坎通纳/丹尼尔·杜瓦尔/尼古拉斯·迪佛休尔/贾克·鲍那非/菲利普·纳翁/让-保罗·博奈雷/法朗西斯·瑞纳德/菲利普·谢纳/
  • HD
    1.0 吴喜千/赵家彦/严翔/李定保/张名煜/
  • HD
    7.0 宋康昊/
  • HD
    9.0 Roland/Wybenga/Paola/Rinaldi/Margareta/von/Krauss/Claudia/Muzii/威廉姆·伯格/斯特凡·奥德朗/
  • HD
    9.0 Josh/Escayg/J.R./Brown/Sophie/Proctor/
  • HD
    5.0 Ashley/Ahlquist/威廉·鲍德温/格兰特·鲍尔/Aaron/Christensen/泰勒·克里斯托弗/
  • HD
    4.0 坂口辰平/大塚弘太/遠藤隆太/师冈广明/宫部纯子/
  • HD
    1.0 刘德华/梁朝伟/袁洁莹/徐少强/成奎安/林国斌/李志希/陈勋奇/苗侨伟/
  • HD
    7.0 乔伊·维埃拉/芭芭拉·宾厄姆/森蒂·白丝柏/Perry/Mooney/蒂姆·洛斯/Marita/Wilcox/Naomi/Sequeira/彼得·本斯利/Jenny/Wynter/Isla/Long/Gavin/Zimmermann/Jordan/Small/Fletcher/O'Neill/Jess/Davis/Tyson/Hoffmann/
  • HD
    6.0 科尔·豪瑟/布里德基·萨蒂纳/兰道尔·巴蒂尼科夫/海丽·托德/安尼卡·马克斯/



